Bangkok Patana School | Year 7, 11 Plus (11+) Entry Information
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Bangkok Patana School is a British International School located in Bang Na District, Bangkok, Thailand. Established in 1957, it is the largest British school in the country, catering for approximately 2250 students. [1]
Home to an energetic community of enthusiastic learners, Patana offers a varied curriculum, including languages, science, mathematics and technology. Although pupils are encouraged to achieve to the best of their abilities, they are not pressured to live up to unrealistic expectations.
Accordingly, the school offers a broad extracurricular programme, successfully providing for creative expression and fun experiences. All-round achievements are thus extremely competitive, allowing the cohort to access prestigious universities in the UK and the States. [2]
11 Plus (11+) Admissions Information | Bangkok Patana School
The application process for Thai nationals opens in July of the year preceding entry and closes in January. Please note that supporting documentation, such as school reports in English, a confidential reference from the current Headteacher and a birth certificate, must also be submitted. The application fee of THB 4,000 is non-refundable.
Subject to availability of places, shortlisted candidates will be contacted in February and invited for an assessment. The exam will be taken online. Following success in the tests and the overall admissions process, Patana may offer your child a place (in May), to be accepted with a payment of a THB 50,000 deposit.
11 Plus (11+) Exam Information | Bangkok Patana School
Address: 643 Lasalle Road (Sukhumvit 105) Bangna Tai, Bangna, Bangkok 10260
Country: Thailand
Admissions info: [email protected] or +66 2785 2205 – 2209
Exam type / Board: CEM Select
As part of the assessment process for 11+ entry, your child will be asked to complete an online test called CEM Select.
The test contains a number of unusual question formats that your child is unlikely to have encountered before. These include drag and drop digits and sentence auto-completes.
The assessment will be divided into a series of highly time-pressured sections. Your child doesn’t necessarily need to complete all the questions in each section to do well.
11 Plus (11+) Exam Format | Bangkok Patana School
The CEM Select will cover the following areas:
- Verbal Reasoning
- Non-Verbal Reasoning
- Numerical Reasoning
The Verbal Reasoning section of the test assesses your child’s ability to solve problems using words, with a special focus on depth and breadth of vocabulary.
The Non-Verbal Reasoning section requires your child to solve problems using shapes and patterns with a main focus on one specific question type.
The Numerical Reasoning section assesses your child’s ability to solve problems using numbers and arithmetic.
11 Plus (11+) Practice Tests | Bangkok Patana School
Our CEM Select practice tests are highly accurate, ensuring that your child’s preparation is targeted and efficient.
Each timed module is marked automatically. Your child will then be able to review every question in detail with clear step-by-step explanations.
Statistical averages, based on the scores of other students who have taken the same practice test, are provided so you can get an idea of your child’s relative performance against their peer group. Click the below links to learn more and purchase:
Online Practice Tests
These full mock tests are designed to provide your child with highly accurate practice ahead of their assessment. Each practice test covers Verbal, Non-Verbal and Numerical Reasoning, replicating the modules, timings and question types used in the actual exam.
Each test contains unique content but they are all pitched at the same difficulty level as the actual assessment. This means you can easily benchmark your child’s progress as they work through the practice tests, quickly identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
Save 30% by purchasing our CEM Select Practice Tests Bundle, including all ten tests. Click the button below to learn more:
CEM Select Practice Tests 1-10 Bundle - Save 30%
Alternatively, click the buttons below to purchase Bundles of five of our CEM Select Practice Tests. You will save 25% compared to buying each product individually.
CEM Select Practice Tests 1-5 Bundle - Save 25%
CEM Select Practice Tests 6-10 Bundle - Save 25%
Online Skill Practice
Each of our Skill Practice tests is designed to focus on one specific question type that can come up in the online exam. They are ideal for targeted practice and an efficient way to quickly improve your child’s scores in each topic.
Verbal Ability
CEM Select – Comprehension Pack 1
CEM Select – Comprehension Pack 2
CEM Select – Missing Words Pack 1
CEM Select – Missing Words Pack 2
CEM Select – Shuffled Sentences
CEM Select – Letter Connections
CEM Select – Multiple Meanings
Non-Verbal Ability
Numerical Ability
Save 30% by purchasing our CEM Select Skill Practice Bundle, including all 13 products. Click the button below to learn more:
CEM Select Skill Practice Bundle - Save 30%
If you don’t buy a bundle, don’t forget to use the code ppdiscount at checkout to get 10% off orders over £80 and 20% off orders over £200!
The information provided about Bangkok Patana School was believed to be correct at the time of publishing. However, please be aware of possible future changes. We advise you to contact the school directly if you are unsure of anything. School contact details are provided within the post.
Please note that Pretest Plus is an independent publisher of practice tests and resources, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the publishers of the CEM Select or any other test publisher and Bangkok Patana School.
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