Stowe School « 13+ Exam, Year 9 Entry » Key Details

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Stowe School is an independent boarding and day school in Stowe, which caters for a mixed cohort of pupils aged 13-18. Its main building, Stowe House, is Grade I listed, and its cricket ground is used as a first-class ground by Northamptonshire CCC. The school’s alumni list is long and impressive, boasting distinguished politicians, businesspeople, authors, diplomats and British Army officers. [1]


Maximising pupils’ skills through an innovative curriculum, Stowe is a place where expert staff deliver exciting lessons and inspire enthusiasm. Whether it’s humanities, arts, languages or social sciences, the disciplines at the heart of the academic provision are relevant to the demands of the complex and challenging world beyond school.


Stowe is fully invested in ensuring pupils’ all-round growth. For this reason, it offers a broad programme of extra-curriculars, featuring everything from chess and CCF to drama and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme. The variety of sporting opportunities is also impressive, including swimming and equestrian activities, for which the school has specialised facilities. [2]


Recently, 50% of GCSE grades were in the 9-7 range. Stoics, as pupils at Stowe are commonly referred to, benefit from a culture that respects them as individuals, which helps facilitate their academic excellence. 


Furthermore, the school fosters a nurturing atmosphere where students feel safe, making it the perfect setting for cultivating critical thinking, fostering independent learning and sparking creativity. With its inclusive ethos, the school firmly opposes any form of discrimination, guaranteeing an outstanding quality of school life. 


Stowe School 13 Plus (13+) Entry Admissions Process


Stowe School hosts Open Mornings regularly, welcoming prospective families on campus, where they can take a guided tour of the facilities. During the event, you and your child will meet a number of Houseparents, members of the admissions team and the academic Heads of Department. The school advises that you book your place while your child is in Year 4 or 5. A Taster Day is held each October (please check with the school which year you should attend), and private visits can be arranged.


Stowe also recommends that you register your child no later than Year 5. However, there is no deadline for registrations, as places are filled on a first come, first served basis. The fee for registering is £295. Please note that registering doesn’t guarantee your child a place at the school, as they will be asked to sit an online assessment during the following terms:


– Autumn term of Year 6 for day candidates 

– Autumn term of Year 7 for boarding candidates


Stowe will also accept the results (if satisfactory) of boarding candidates who sit the assessment in Year 6 at the request of another school.


Prior to the academic assessment, every prospective student, whether applying for a day or boarding place, will be invited to Stowe for an interview while they are in Year 6. To assess your child’s eligibility for admission, a report or reference from their current school will be obtained and reviewed. 


Subject to a successful performance in all the key stages of the admissions process, your child may receive an offer, to be confirmed with a payment of a £1,500 deposit. More details about this process are available here.


To talented and promising 13+ applicants, the school offers the following awards:


– Academic scholarships  

– Art scholarships  

– Music scholarships 

– Drama scholarships  

– Sports scholarships 

– Equestrian scholarships  

– Golf scholarships 

– Design scholarships 

– Roxburgh scholarships 

– Chess scholarships


All of the above scholarships are offered on the basis of success in further assessments, taking place between October and February of Year 8. Typically, Stowe’s scholarships are valued at 5% of the fees. If you require further financial support with paying the fees, you can apply for a means-tested bursary. The number of fully funded places is limited. To obtain a Financial Circumstances Form, in which you must enter details about your household’s financial circumstances, please reach out to the admissions team. Contact details are provided in the section below.


Stowe School 13 Plus (13+) ISEB Pre-test Information


Address: Stowe, Buckingham, MK18 5EH

County: Buckinghamshire

Admissions info: [email protected] or 01280 818358

School type: Independent co-ed day and boarding school 

Open events: Throughout the year

Pre-test exam date: Autumn term of Year 6 or 7


To join in Year 9, your child will be asked to complete an online assessment called the ISEB Common Pre-test, which assesses skills in Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. The test provides a universal and standardised measure of attainment, ability and potential. Under certain circumstances, Stowe will accept CAT4 or midYIS results instead, e.g. they accept them from children who attend a prep school within The Stowe Group.


Stowe School 13 Plus (13+) ISEB Pre-test Exam Format 


The ISEB Pre-test assessment comprises the following areas:


⦿ English – evaluates reading comprehension and grammar (using cloze sentences, shuffled sentences and SPaG question types)

⦿ Mathematics – measures mathematical ability relative to the national curriculum stage

⦿ Verbal Reasoning – tests thinking and problem solving with words

⦿ Non-Verbal Reasoning – assesses thinking with shapes, space, diagrams and pictures


In total, the four parts of the ISEB Common Pre-test take 2 hours and 15 minutes to administer and complete. There is no audio component to any of the tests.


FAQs About the Stowe School 13 Plus (13+) ISEB Pre-test


Do I need to register my child for the Stowe School 13+ ISEB Pre-test?


Yes, registrations for the pre-test are completed through the official ISEB website


Will older pupils have an advantage in the Stowe School 13+ ISEB Pre-test?


No, the ISEB Pre-test is age-standardised so students are not disadvantaged by their age when they sit the test.


How many times can my child take the Stowe School 13+ ISEB Pre-test?


The ISEB 13+ Pre-test can typically only be sat once. However, if a boarding candidate takes the test in Year 6 at the request of another school but does not meet Stowe’s required standard, they have the opportunity to retake the test in Year 7 as part of the admissions process for a place at Stowe.


Stowe School 13 Plus (13+) ISEB Pretest Practice Materials


At Pretest Plus, we believe that a little preparation can go a long way to improving a student’s confidence and performance in entrance examinations.


We provide online practice tests, video courses and skill-specific tests which focus on helping students familiarise themselves with the exact types of questions that they will be asked in their ISEB Pre-test assessment. Read on to learn more!


Stowe School 13+ ISEB Pretest Mock Tests


These full mock tests are designed to provide your child with highly accurate practice ahead of their ISEB Pre-test assessment. Each practice test covers English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning, replicating the modules, timings and question types used in the actual exam.

Each test contains unique content, but they are all pitched at the same difficulty level as the actual assessment. This means you can easily benchmark your child’s progress as they work through the practice tests, quickly identifying their strengths and weaknesses.


NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 1

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 2

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 3

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 4

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 5

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 6

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 7

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 8

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 9

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 10

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 11

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 12

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 13

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 14

NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 15


✂️ Save 35% by purchasing our ISEB Pretest Practice Tests Bundle, including all 15 tests. Click the button below to learn more:


ISEB Pretest Practice Tests 1-15 Bundle - Save 35%


Alternatively, click the buttons below to purchase Bundles of five of our ISEB Pretest Practice Tests. You will save 25% compared to buying each product individually.


ISEB Pretest Practice Tests 1-5 Bundle - Save 25%


ISEB Pretest Practice Tests 6-10 Bundle - Save 25%


ISEB Pretest Practice Tests 11-15 Bundle - Save 25%


Stowe School 13+ ISEB Pretest Video Courses


We’ve also produced online video courses that cover everything your child needs to know for each section of the ISEB Pre-test assessment. These courses consist of a series of lessons that detail each question type, providing step-by-step explanations and techniques to help your child recognise the underlying patterns to look out for. The courses cover every possible question type that could come up in the ISEB Pre-test.


ISEB Pretest English Course

ISEB Pretest Maths Course

ISEB Pretest Non-Verbal Reasoning Course

ISEB Pretest Verbal Reasoning Course


✂️ Save 25% by purchasing our ISEB Pretest Courses Bundle, including all four products. Click the button below to learn more:


ISEB Pretest Video Courses Bundle - Save 25%


Stowe School 13+ ISEB Pretest Skill Practice Tests


Our Skill Practice products consist of focused tests that allow your child to target specific question formats that appear in the ISEB Pre-test. They are an efficient way to improve skills and boost scores quickly. All tests are marked automatically and feedback, solutions and statistical rankings are provided upon completion.


NEW ISEB Pretest English – Reading Comprehension

NEW ISEB Pretest English – Cloze Sentences

NEW ISEB Pretest English – Shuffled Sentences

NEW ISEB Pretest English – SPAG

NEW ISEB Pretest Mathematics

NEW ISEB Pretest 2D Non-Verbal Reasoning

NEW ISEB Pretest Spatial Reasoning

NEW ISEB Pretest Verbal Reasoning


✂️ Save 30% by purchasing our ISEB Pretest Skill Practice Bundle, including all eight products. Click the button below to learn more:


ISEB Pretest Skill Practice Bundle - Save 30%


Don’t forget to use the code ppdiscount at checkout to get 10% off orders over £80 and 20% off orders over £200 if you don’t buy a bundle!


Stowe School 13+ ISEB Pre-test Preparation Tips


Preparing effectively for the Stowe School 13+ ISEB Pre-test can significantly enhance a student’s confidence and exam performance. Here are some Pretest Plus Preparation Tips for the Stowe School ISEB Pre-test:


1. Become familiar with the online testing interface:


It’s essential for students to be adept at navigating the online test setup to excel in the ISEB Pre-test, including seamlessly moving between screen-based tasks and written responses.


2. Grasp the complexities of the ISEB Pre-test:


Understanding the specific modules in the ISEB Pre-test is fundamental to success on exam day. Our top-rated practice tests are closely aligned with the actual online assessment, providing students with a comprehensive insight into its challenging nature.


3. Maximise time management skills:


Using our timed practice tests helps students refine their ability to accurately answer questions under time pressure, ensuring they can effectively handle the constraints of the actual assessment.


4. Benefit from error analysis:


Evaluating mistakes after completing our practice tests can be illuminating. Recognising and understanding errors can prevent students from repeating them on exam day. 


👉 Stowe School CAT4 Resources


If your child is unable to sit the ISEB Pre-test, Stowe will be happy to obtain CAT4 results from their current school. To polish reasoning skills in the lead-up to the CAT4, make use of our top-rated CAT4 full and skill practice tests and video courses, pitched at the relevant difficulty level. 


The information provided about Stowe School was believed to be correct at the time of publishing. However, please be aware of possible future changes. We advise you to contact the school directly if you are unsure of anything. School contact details are provided within the post.


Please note that Pretest Plus is an independent publisher of practice tests and resources, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the publishers of the ISEB Common Pretest or any other test publisher and Stowe School.

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