The King’s School, Canterbury: Entry Procedure for 13 Plus (13+) | Year 9 | Shell for Non-Prep School & International Applicants

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The King’s School (King’s), located in Canterbury, is an independent co-educational school for pupils aged 3 to 18, offering both day and boarding places. The Senior School is for children between the ages of 13 and 18. It has 13 boarding houses and 3 day houses, dating from the 15th century. 


Academically, King’s is superb. Committed teachers deliver engaging lessons and encourage students to be curious learners. In 2023, 74% of GCSE grades were in the 9-7 range, and more than 100 leavers were offered places at Russell Group universities. 


Life outside of the classroom at King’s is vibrant. Pupils have a wide array of activities they can participate in, helping them to grow in confidence and become accomplished young adults. King’s Week, held in the last week of the academic year since 1952, celebrates pupils’ talents and creativity with theatre performances, art displays, recitals and so much more.


The King’s community is inclusive and warm. The Houses are a home from home, run by a Housemaster or Housemistress who cares deeply about the wellbeing of all the pupils in their House. Everyone at King’s is expected to be supportive, kind and respectful towards each other, which enables pupils to thrive.


The King’s School: Admissions Process for 13 Plus (13+)/Year 9/Shell Entry for Non-Prep School & International Applicants


Visiting King’s before applying for a place for your child is recommended. A visit will allow you to get a feel for life at King’s, helping you make an informed decision about whether it is the right school for your child. You can attend an Open Morning in May or September and/or you can arrange an individual tour.  


If you decide King’s is a good fit for your child and your child attends a state school or a school outside of the UK, you should fill out the registration form and pay the £200 registration fee by the November deadline when your child is in Year 8. 


The King’s Entrance Exams (K.E.E) will be taken in January of Year 8. If your child attends a state school in the UK, they can take the K.E.E at King’s. If your child attends a school overseas, they can take the K.E.E at a British Council office or another approved test centre in their home country. 


The K.E.E comprise an online test (CAT4), a written maths paper and a written English paper. 


Candidates taking the exams at King’s will be interviewed on the same day as they take the exams. Candidates taking the exams overseas who perform well will be interviewed via Teams/Zoom at a later date.


Offers will be made in early February based on candidates’ results in the K.E.E, performances in interviews and the standard of references from current schools.


If your child is offered a place, you must pay a £2,000 deposit if you are based in the UK and an additional deposit of two terms’ fees if you are based overseas. The deposit is refundable when your child completes their education at King’s, minus any outstanding fees.


The King’s School: Scholarships and Bursaries


For 13+ entry, academic, music, art, sports, DT, drama and dance scholarships and exhibitions are available. Scholarships carry a 10% reduction of fees and exhibitions a 5% reduction. 


Candidates applying for an art scholarship will sit an Objective Drawing paper and an Imaginative Composition paper. They will also need to have a portfolio of their work. 


Candidates applying for a drama scholarship will participate in a group workshop and perform a two-minute monologue of their choice.


For detailed information about all of the scholarships and exhibitions, please click here.


A limited number of bursaries are available. They are awarded to pupils who would thrive at King’s but whose families cannot afford the fees. Priority will be given to applicants who have won a scholarship or exhibition and to existing pupils who have experienced a change in financial circumstances.  


The King’s School: School Details and Information for Non-Prep School & International Applicants for Year 9 Entry


Senior School address: 25 The Precincts, Canterbury, CT1 2ES

County: Kent

Admissions info: [email protected] or 01227 595727

School type: Independent co-educational day and boarding school 

Registration deadline: November of Year 8

Entrance assessments: Online assessment (CAT4), maths written paper, English written paper and interview


CAT4 for Non-Prep and International Applicants for Year 9/Shell Entry


Candidates will take three sections of this online test the Spatial reasoning section (30 minutes), the Verbal reasoning section (40 minutes) and the Quantitative (Numerical) reasoning section (40 minutes).


  • The Spatial reasoning questions will require your child to think about objects in three dimensions. 
  • The Verbal reasoning questions will rate your child’s ability to solve problems using written information.
  • The Quantitative (Numerical) reasoning questions will evaluate how well your child can solve problems using numbers.


Your child will sit the CAT4 in Year 8, which means they will take Level E of the test.


Preparing for the CAT4 for Year 9/Shell Entry for Non-Prep School & International Applicants


We have produced accurate mock tests for the CAT4, Level E. Working their way through our CAT4 Practice Tests will help your child in the following ways:


  • The targeted practice will give them the edge over other candidates.
  • The familiarity with the types of questions that will come up, the format and the timings will mean they can work efficiently and accurately when sitting the real test.
  • They can use the CAT4 Practice Tests as a revision tool, allocating study time to the areas they struggle with. 
  • Regular practice with mock tests will help reduce anxiety and build your child’s confidence, enabling them to approach the actual exam with a positive mindset and greater self-assurance.


Resources for the CAT4 for Year 9/Shell Entry for Non-Prep School & International Applicants 


Our CAT4E practice tests and courses are highly accurate, ensuring that your child’s exam preparation is targeted and efficient. The following packs are specifically designed for CAT4 Level E, taken in November of Year 8.


The King’s School 13+ CAT4 Level E Full Mock Tests


These full mock tests are designed to provide your child with extremely accurate practice ahead of their CAT4 Level E. Each practice test covers Verbal, Non-Verbal, Quantitative and Spatial reasoning, replicating the modules, timings and question types used in the actual exam.


Our highly rated CAT4E practice tests are available to take online immediately after purchase. Each CAT4E practice test is marked automatically and can then be reviewed. Answers and explanations are provided for every question, as well as comparative ranking statistics on a per-module basis. 


CAT4 – Level E – Practice Test 1

CAT4 – Level E – Practice Test 2

CAT4 – Level E – Practice Test 3

CAT4 – Level E – Practice Test 4

CAT4 – Level E – Practice Test 5

CAT4 – Level E – Practice Test 6

CAT4 – Level E – Practice Test 7

CAT4 – Level E – Practice Test 8

CAT4 – Level E – Practice Test 9

CAT4 – Level E – Practice Test 10


✂️ Save 30% by purchasing our CAT4 Level E Practice Test bundle, including all ten tests. Click the button below to learn more:


CAT4 Level E Practice Tests 1-10 Bundle


Alternatively, click the buttons below to purchase Bundles of five of our CAT4 Level E Practice Tests. You will save 25% compared to buying each product individually.


CAT4 Level E Practice Tests 1-5 Bundle


CAT4 Level E Practice Tests 6-10 Bundle


The King’s School 13+ CAT4 Level E Skill Practice Tests


Our CAT4 Level E Skill Practice Tests each focus on one module that will come up in the CAT4E. Therefore, if your child finds particular modules challenging, you can target them specifically, making a big improvement in a short amount of time. 


Verbal Reasoning

CAT4 – Level E – Verbal Classification

CAT4 – Level E – Verbal Analogies


Non-Verbal Reasoning

CAT4 – Level E – Figure Matrices

CAT4 – Level E – Figure Classification


Quantitative reasoning

CAT4 – Level E – Number Analogies

CAT4 – Level E – Number Series


Spatial reasoning

CAT4 – Level E – Figure Analysis

CAT4 – Level E – Figure Recognition


✂️ Save 25% by purchasing our CAT4 Level E Skill Practice Test bundle, including all eight tests. Click the button below to learn more:


CAT4 Level E Skill Practice Bundle


The King’s School 13+ CAT4 Level E Video Courses 


Our CAT4 Online Video Courses cover each section of the CAT4E. Each course consists of a series of lessons and step-by-step explanations.


CAT4 Quantitative Reasoning Course

CAT4 Non-Verbal Reasoning Course

CAT4 Spatial Reasoning Course

CAT4 Verbal Reasoning Course


✂️ Save 25% by purchasing our CAT4 Video Course bundle, including all four products. Click the button below to learn more:


CAT4 Video Courses Bundle


Please, contact us if you have any questions about our resources.


The information provided about The King’s School was believed to be correct at the time of publishing. However, please be aware of possible future changes. We advise you to contact the school directly if you are unsure of anything. School contact details are provided within the post.

Please note that Pretest Plus is an independent publisher of practice tests and resources and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the publishers of the CAT4 or any other test publisher.

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