Winchester College « 13+ Exam, Year 9 Entry » Key Details
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Winchester College is an independent boarding school in Winchester, Hampshire. Founded in 1382, it occupies a beautiful campus of approximately 250 acres, including 94 listed buildings, 100 acres of water meadows, 52 acres of playing fields and 11 acres of formal gardens. Winchester is a prestigious and reputable boys’ school, educating pupils in line with exceptionally high standards. [1]
Nurturing a culture of rigorous academic expectations, Winchester College caters for the cohort’s intellectual needs using a progressive curriculum. Lessons are delivered by professionals in their respective fields, enhancing students’ skills in languages, mathematics, science, technology and many other areas.
In line with the motto Manners makyth man, Winchester College provides a harmonious learning environment that promotes the qualities of Character, Conversation, Curiosity, Foresight and Leadership. This helps mould students into young people of integrity, who approach their learning with strong self-discipline and dedication.
Beyond lessons, boys engage in an exploration of undiscovered talents with grit, benefiting from a broad and varied programme of extracurriculars that aims to both challenge and inspire students. From Charities Committee, drama and African Society to scuba diving, rock climbing and Numismatics Society, the offerings intensify the vigour of school life, ensuring memorable educational experiences. [2]
School trivia: Winchester College hosts an annual Cameron Bespolka Memorial Wildlife Talk, welcoming a number of local students and members of the public onto its campus. The guest speakers typically address the threats to species from habitat loss and illegal trade while also sharing hopeful examples of scientific efforts such as the satellite monitoring of Emperor Penguins.
To gain further insight into Winchester’s extensive offerings and get a glimpse of daily life at a prestigious boarding school, please watch the video below:
Winchester College 13 Plus (13+) Entry Admissions Process
Families of Year 4 pupils can attend an Open Day in the summer, while for Year 5 pupils, Open Days are held in the Autumn and Spring terms. The school also hosts Registrar’s tours, which are available to families of Year 4 and 5 pupils. Both types of events include an extensive tour of the campus, during which you and your child can explore the beautiful facilities and get a feel for life at the school.
The registration deadline is in early July of Year 5. The registration process includes completing a form and a payment of a £400 registration fee. While your child is in Year 5, he should also visit the boarding houses to make his selection.
In October or November of Year 6, your son will sit an online test. Around this time, the College will obtain a confidential reference from his current school. Results regarding this stage of the process will be communicated in December.
Subject to success in the online test and a positive reference, your son will be invited to attend an interview, which can be scheduled at any point from January to March of the same academic year.
If he performs well throughout the admissions process in Year 6, he will receive a conditional offer, to be accepted by the beginning of July of Year 6 with a payment of a £1,000 fee, refunded during your child’s first year at the school. In April or May of Year 8, he will sit either Election (scholarship tests for exceptionally bright pupils) or Winchester Entrance exams, involving written examinations.
Year 9 places are confirmed in June of Year 8. (Accepting a place requires a £4,000 deposit, refundable once your child has left the school.) In the same month, successful 13+ applicants will attend New Pupil’s Day on Winchester’s campus.
At 13+ entry, Winchester College offers the following scholarships:
⦾ Academic awards – These are offered following rigorous academic testing across a broad range of areas, including English, Mathematics and Science. Pupils can obtain a scholarship, an exhibition or a Headmaster’s Nomination, depending on their performance in the papers (known as Election). Please note that these awards do not automatically carry any reduction in fees.
⦾ Sports awards – These are awarded following a three-part assessment that evaluates physical, technical, tactical and mental ability. Preferably, pupils should demonstrate a strong prowess in football and/or cricket or at least one of the following sports: golf, tennis, squash/rackets, rowing, hockey, swimming, athletics/cross-country.
⦾ Music awards – The school awards Music scholarships and exhibitions based on an audition that comprises a 15-minute performance and 10 minutes of practical tests. Candidates will be asked to play or sing two contrasting pieces and complete aural and sight-reading tests on their primary instrument.
Winchester boasts one of the country’s most generous bursary programmes, supporting 120 students (nearly 20% of its pupil body) with financial aid. The school is dedicated to addressing inequality in access to education and annually admits students from a variety of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Bursary awards at Winchester vary, covering 5-100% of tuition fees. An online bursary assessment form should be submitted by the end of January of Year 6, and the assessment process includes a home visit or a telephone meeting. Click here to learn more.
Winchester College 13 Plus (13+) ISEB Pre-test Information
Address: College Street, Winchester, SO23 9NA
County: Hampshire
Admissions info: [email protected] or 01962 621 247
School type: Independent boarding school for boys
Open Days: Summer term: Year 4, Autumn and Spring terms: Year 5
Pre-test exam date: October or November of Year 6
To join in Year 9, your child will initially be asked to complete an online assessment called the ISEB Common Pre-test, which assesses skills in Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. The test provides a universal and standardised measure of attainment, ability and potential.
Winchester College 13 Plus (13+) ISEB Pre-test Exam Format
The ISEB Pre-test assessment comprises the following areas:
⦿ English – evaluates reading comprehension and grammar (using cloze sentences, shuffled sentences and SPaG question types)
⦿ Mathematics – measures mathematical ability relative to the national curriculum stage
⦿ Verbal Reasoning – tests thinking and problem solving with words
⦿ Non-Verbal Reasoning – assesses thinking with shapes, space, diagrams and pictures
In total, the four parts of the ISEB Common Pre-test take 2 hours and 15 minutes to administer and complete. There is no audio component to any of the tests.
FAQs About the Winchester College 13 Plus (13+) ISEB Pre-test
Do I need to register my son for the Winchester College 13+ ISEB Pre-test?
Yes, registrations for the pre-test are completed through the official ISEB website.
Where can my son sit the Winchester College 13+ ISEB Pre-test?
If your son attends a prep school, he will sit the pre-test there. If he attends a state school or he’s an international student, he can take the assessment at an approved test centre.
Will older pupils have an advantage in the Winchester College 13+ ISEB Pre-test?
No, the ISEB Pre-test is age-standardised so students are not disadvantaged by their age when they sit the test.
How many times can my child take the Winchester College 13+ ISEB Pre-test?
The Winchester College ISEB 13+ Pre-test can only be sat once.
Winchester College 13 Plus (13+) ISEB Pretest Practice Materials
At Pretest Plus, we believe that a little preparation can go a long way to improving a student’s confidence and performance in entrance examinations.
We provide online practice tests, video courses and skill-specific tests which focus on helping boys familiarise themselves with the exact types of questions that they will be asked in their ISEB Pre-test assessment. Read on to learn more!
Winchester College 13+ ISEB Pretest Mock Tests
These full mock tests are designed to provide your son with highly accurate practice ahead of his ISEB Pre-test assessment. Each practice test covers English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning, replicating the modules, timings and question types used in the actual exam.
Each test contains unique content, but they are all pitched at the same difficulty level as the actual assessment. This means you can easily benchmark your son’s progress as he works through the practice tests, quickly identifying his strengths and weaknesses.
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 1
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 2
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 3
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 4
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 5
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 6
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 7
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 8
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 9
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 10
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 11
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 12
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 13
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 14
NEW ISEB Pretest Practice Test 15
✂️ Save 35% by purchasing our ISEB Pretest Practice Tests Bundle, including all 15 tests. Click the button below to learn more:
ISEB Pretest Practice Tests 1-15 Bundle - Save 35%
Alternatively, click the buttons below to purchase Bundles of five of our ISEB Pretest Practice Tests. You will save 25% compared to buying each product individually.
ISEB Pretest Practice Tests 1-5 Bundle - Save 25%
ISEB Pretest Practice Tests 6-10 Bundle - Save 25%
ISEB Pretest Practice Tests 11-15 Bundle - Save 25%
Winchester College 13+ ISEB Pretest Video Courses
We’ve also produced online video courses that cover everything your son needs to know for each section of the ISEB Pre-test assessment. These courses consist of a series of lessons that detail each question type, providing step-by-step explanations and techniques to help your son recognise the underlying patterns to look out for. The courses cover every possible question type that could come up in the ISEB Pre-test.
NEW ISEB Pretest 2D Non-Verbal Reasoning Course
NEW ISEB Pretest English Course
NEW ISEB Pretest Spatial Reasoning Course
NEW ISEB Pretest Verbal Reasoning Course
✂️ Save 30% by purchasing our ISEB Pretest Courses Bundle, including all four products. Click the button below to learn more:
ISEB Pretest Video Courses Bundle - Save 30%
Winchester College 13+ ISEB Pretest Skill Practice Tests
Our Skill Practice products consist of focused tests that allow your son to target specific question formats that appear in the ISEB Pre-test. They are an efficient way to improve skills and boost scores quickly. All tests are marked automatically and feedback, solutions and statistical rankings are provided upon completion.
NEW ISEB Pretest English – Reading Comprehension
NEW ISEB Pretest English – Cloze Sentences
NEW ISEB Pretest English – Shuffled Sentences
NEW ISEB Pretest English – SPAG
NEW ISEB Pretest 2D Non-Verbal Reasoning
NEW ISEB Pretest Spatial Reasoning
NEW ISEB Pretest Verbal Reasoning
✂️ Save 30% by purchasing our ISEB Pretest Skill Practice Bundle, including all eight products. Click the button below to learn more:
ISEB Pretest Skill Practice Bundle - Save 30%
Don’t forget to use the code ppdiscount at checkout to get 10% off orders over £80 and 20% off orders over £200 if you don’t buy a bundle!
Winchester College 13+ ISEB Pre-test Preparation Tips
Preparing for the Winchester College 13+ ISEB Pre-test can significantly enhance a student’s confidence and exam performance. Effective preparation should include:
1. Adapting to the online exam environment:
It’s crucial for your son to become comfortable with digital interfaces, as the ISEB Pre-test is administered online. Our top-rated practice tests provide familiarity with the computer interface and help students efficiently navigate from one part of the test to the next.
2. Gaining insights from errors:
Analysing and understanding errors made during our practice tests is a key step in the preparation process. This not only helps in avoiding similar mistakes in the actual exam but also assists in overall learning.
3. Understanding the layout of the ISEB Pre-test:
Your son becoming familiar with the format of the ISEB Pre-test is vital. Our expertly crafted practice tests are structured to replicate the actual online exam, enabling students to get a feel for the various modules and types of questions they will encounter on the big day.
4. Experiencing the time constraints of the ISEB Pre-test:
Using our practice tests can enhance your son’s speed and accuracy when answering questions, skills that are especially important given the time-pressured sections of the actual ISEB Pre-test.
The information provided about Winchester College was believed to be correct at the time of publishing. However, please be aware of possible future changes. We advise you to contact the school directly if you are unsure of anything. School contact details are provided within the post.
Please note that Pretest Plus is an independent publisher of practice tests and resources, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the publishers of the ISEB Common Pre-test or any other test publisher and Winchester College.
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