City of London School (CLS) – 16+ Exam for Sixth Form Entry – CAT4

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City of London School (CLS) is a popular London-based independent day school for boys, located opposite Tate Modern. One of the nation’s top-performing schools, City was founded in 1834 and boasts a long list of notable alumni, better known as Old Citizens. Its facilities are modern and spacious and include a 25-metre swimming pool, a multipurpose indoor sports hall, a rooftop football pitch and extensive playing fields. [1]


Benefitting from a rich range of academic opportunities, City’s pupils are known to excel across the abundant curriculum. Subjects on offer range from English, MFL and politics to science, Latin and design computing, including extras such as the Extended Project (EP), which helps students develop university-style research skills.


An array of clubs and societies form an integral part of the co-curricular programme, aimed at comprehensively improving each student’s non-academic abilities. School trips to thrilling destinations, such as Nepal, Vietnam, Ecuador, Cuba, China and the States, further enhances the versatility of pupils, exposing them to a variety of cultural settings. [2]


CLS is noted for the success of its community-related initiatives such as the Green Schools Project, which focuses on transforming the school into an environmentally-aware institution. Volunteering is another popular activity, allowing students to contribute to society and maximise their awareness of the needs of others. [3]


Distinguished institutions, such as the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, the University of Edinburgh, Durham University and the University of Sheffield, alongside the top 25 American universities, frequently feature on the list of leavers’ destinations. City’s exemplary academic standing is further underlined by recent GCSE results, where an impressive 97% of students secured the top-tier 9-7 grades.


City of London School (CLS) 16 Plus (16+) Entry Admissions Process


Up to 20 pupils enter the Sixth Form at CLS each year. Prospective students are encouraged to visit the school together with their parents on the Open Day to explore the breadth of educational opportunities. Booking of places is mandatory and can be done through City’s admissions page


The deadline for 16+ applications is in October, and the entrance exam is set for the following month. If students perform well, they will be invited to attend an interview. Offers are sent out in December.


The 16+ entrance examinations at CLS consist of paper-based and online tests. Written assessments cover three of the subjects 16+ candidates wish to study for A-Level. Please note that, as part of the admissions process, a reference from your son’s current school will also be obtained. 


All pupils joining the Sixth Form will be automatically considered for an Academic Prize. Music Scholarships are also available: they are offered on the basis of auditions and interviews. 


Scholarships and prizes can be coupled with a means-tested bursary that covers up to 100% of the fees. To learn more about the school’s criteria for awarding a bursary, please reach out to their admissions team. Contact details are below.


City of London School (CLS) 16 Plus (16+) CAT4 Test Information


Address: Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4V 3AL

County: Greater London

Admissions info: [email protected] or 020 3680 6300

School type: Independent day school for boys

Open day: September

16+ Exam date: November of Year 11

16+ Exam board (online test): CAT4


As part of the assessment process for Year 12 entry, prospective students will be asked to complete an online test called CAT4. 


Based on performance in this test, schools can judge pupils’ progress over the academic year and decide on their setting and streaming (according to ability). 


This assessment is an effective way for schools to understand students’ strengths and weaknesses and to personalise learning and adapt teaching.


City of London School (CLS) 16 Plus (16+) CAT Test Format 


The CAT4 assessment will cover Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Spatial Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning.


  • The Verbal Reasoning section examines problem-solving skills using words.


  • The Non-Verbal Reasoning section covers problem-solving using shapes and patterns, rather than words.


  • The Spatial Reasoning section assesses a student’s ability to identify shapes and how they change. 


  • The Quantitative Reasoning section tests the ability to solve problems using numbers.



To gain further insight into the CAT4 assessment, its purpose and structure, please click here.


City of London School (CLS) 16+ Practice Tests and Courses  


Our 16+ CAT practice tests and courses are highly accurate, ensuring that students’ exam preparation is targeted and efficient. Read on to learn more!


CLS 16+ CAT4 Practice Tests

Our highly rated CAT4 practice tests are available to take online immediately after purchase. Each 16+ CAT4 practice test is marked automatically and can then be reviewed. Answers and explanations are provided for every question, as well as comparative ranking statistics on a per module basis so that each student’s strengths and weaknesses can be precisely determined.


CAT4 – Level G – Practice Test 1

CAT4 – Level G – Practice Test 2

CAT4 – Level G – Practice Test 3

CAT4 – Level G – Practice Test 4

CAT4 – Level G – Practice Test 5

CAT4 – Level G – Practice Test 6

CAT4 – Level G – Practice Test 7

CAT4 – Level G – Practice Test 8

CAT4 – Level G – Practice Test 9

CAT4 – Level G – Practice Test 10


✂️ Save 30% by purchasing our CAT4 Level G Practice Tests Bundle, including all ten tests. Click the button below to learn more:


CAT4 Level G Practice Tests Bundle


Alternatively, click the buttons below to purchase Bundles of five of our CAT4 Level G Practice Tests. You will save 25% compared to buying each product individually.


CAT4 Level G Practice Tests 1-5 Bundle


CAT4 Level G Practice Tests 6-10 Bundle


CLS 16+ Skill Practice

The following Skill Practice Tests each focus on one module that will come up in the CAT4 16+ assessment. Therefore, if students find particular modules challenging, they can target them specifically, making a big improvement in a short amount of time. Across each product, we cover every possible question variation that can come up in the actual exam. These topic-based practice tests are therefore extremely efficient and effective. All tests are marked automatically and feedback, solutions and statistical rankings are provided.


Non-Verbal Reasoning

CAT4 Level G – Figure Matrices

CAT4 Level G – Figure Classification


Verbal Reasoning

CAT4 Level G – Verbal Classification

CAT4 Level G – Verbal Analogies


Quantitative Reasoning

CAT4 Level G – Number Analogies

CAT4 Level G – Number Series


Spatial Reasoning

CAT4 Level G – Figure Analysis

CAT4 Level G – Figure Recognition


✂️ Save 25% by purchasing our CAT4 Level G Skill Practice Bundle, including all eight tests. Click the button below to learn more:


CAT4 Level G Skill Practice Bundle


CLS 16+ CAT4 Video Courses

The video courses provide a step-by-step framework that will allow students to answer any CAT4 question efficiently, accurately and confidently. The total length of the video lessons in each course is over 15 hours, but they can be watched in any order, so students can target the specific question styles that they find the hardest. Video tutorials within each course can be revisited as often as needed, allowing for continual review of the material.


CAT4 Quantitative Reasoning Video Course

CAT4 Non-Verbal Reasoning Video Course

CAT4 Verbal Reasoning Video Course

CAT4 Spatial Reasoning Video Course


✂️ Save 25% by purchasing our CAT4 Video Courses Bundle, including all four products. Click the button below to learn more:


CAT4 Level G Video Courses Bundle


If you don’t buy a bundle, don’t forget to use the code ppdiscount at checkout to get 10% off orders over £80 and 20% off orders over £200!


CLS 16+ English Exercises

The following resources, produced by our sister company Exam Papers Plus, will help students prepare for the written English exam, if they choose to study this subject for A-Level:


16+ English Pack 1

16+ English Pack 2


CLS 16+ Mathematics Exercises

If students choose to study mathematics for A-Level, the following 16+ resources will provide excellent preparation for the maths exam:


16+ Mathematics Pack 1

16+ Mathematics Pack 2


CLS 16+ Exam Preparation Tips

Incorporating practice tests into a student’s study routine can significantly enhance his readiness and confidence for the upcoming assessment. Our Top Three recommendations for optimising the use of these resources are:


1. Leverage the precision of practice tests: These resources are designed to reflect the actual exam, enabling students to align their study efforts with the exam structure and focus on crucial areas.

2. Enhance understanding with detailed explanations: Each question in the practice tests comes with a thorough explanation. This feature helps students understand the reasoning behind each correct answer, facilitating a deeper understanding of the subject area.

3. Identify strengths and areas requiring improvement: By reviewing feedback and scores from each practice module, strengths and areas that require improvement can be identified quickly. With this information, students can tailor their revision plans to address those areas effectively.


The information provided about City of London School (CLS) was believed to be correct at the time of publishing. However, please be aware of possible future changes. We advise you to contact the school directly if you are unsure of anything. School contact details are provided within the post.


Please note that Pretest Plus is an independent publisher of practice tests and resources, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the publishers of the CAT4 or any other test publisher and City of London School (CLS).

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