Fully updated with the latest question types for this year’s exam, this is the most accurate practice test you will find for CEM Select.
CEM Select is an online assessment that forms part of the selection process at a number of independent and grammar schools in the UK. The test can be taken by students seeking 11+, 12+ or 13+ entry.
Which schools use the online CEM Select exam?
Independent Schools: A growing number of independent schools use the online CEM Select as part of their 11+ admissions process. This includes St. Paul’s Girls’ School, City of London School for Girls, Reading Blue Coat, St. George’s Weybridge and many more. Other schools, such as Harrow and Eton, use customised CEM online tests.
Grammar Schools: Many grammar school consortiums use the online CEM Select to assess Late Transfer (12+ or 13+) candidates. Some also offer it as an alternative to the standard 11+ exam.
Click here to view a list of schools that use the CEM Select assessment.
If you are unsure if this practice test is relevant for your child, please contact us. Let us know which school/s you are targeting and we will confirm for you.
How will this practice test benefit my child?
CEM Select assesses Verbal, Non-Verbal and Numerical Ability. It contains a number of unique features and question types, such as drag and drop, auto-completes and more. It is also highly time pressured.
This practice test is designed to familiarise your child with the online format, style and content of this exam, so they feel confident and prepared for the actual assessment. It is the most accurate practice test available for the CEM Select online assessment.
The practice test contains six timed modules. These can be completed individually. Once a module is complete, it is marked automatically. Your child will then be able to review it in detail, with answers and explanations provided for every question. Statistical averages, based on the scores of other students who have taken the practice test, are also provided.
There is also the facility to take this practice test with 25% extra time. However, we only recommend choosing this option if you are sure your child will qualify for this extra time in the actual test.
Detailed, analytical reports are available upon completion of each practice test.
These reports will provide insights into your child’s strengths and areas for improvement, as well as cohort performance comparison. You will benefit from a clear understanding of your child’s progress and know exactly what to work on next.
Why should I trust Pretest Plus?
We are examination experts and know exactly what is required to succeed in competitive entrance tests.
Our sole focus is the creation of effective resources that help students to maximise their potential and approach their exams in a state of preparation and confidence.
Our products are successfully used by tens of thousands of students every year, in over 60 countries.
Our customers and clients include governments, school districts, schools, tuition centres, educational consultants, publishers, teachers, tutors and, most importantly, parents!
If you have any questions or queries, or would like some advice, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are always happy to help.
You may be interested in combining this Practice Test with our other CEM Select Practice Tests and Skill Practice products:
Practice Tests
Our CEM Select practice tests are pitched at the same difficulty level but each contains unique content and question types. Therefore, taking multiple practice tests provides an excellent opportunity for your child to implement the feedback they receive as well as ensuring that they are exposed to all of the different question types that could come up in the actual exam.
SPECIAL OFFER: Click here to save 30% by purchasing a bundle of all of our CEM Select Practice Tests.
Skill Practice
Skill Practice products consist of focused tests that allow your child to target specific question formats that appear in CEM Select. They are an efficient way to improve key skills and boost scores quickly.
Verbal Ability
CEM Select – Comprehension Pack 1
CEM Select – Comprehension Pack 2
CEM Select – Missing Words Pack 1
CEM Select – Missing Words Pack 2
CEM Select – Shuffled Sentences
CEM Select – Letter Connections
CEM Select – Multiple Meanings
Non-Verbal Ability
Numerical Ability
SPECIAL OFFER: Click here to save 30% by purchasing a bundle of all of our CEM Select Skill Practice Tests.
Don’t forget to use the discount code ppdiscount at checkout to get 10% off orders over £80 and 20% off orders over £200.
Our CEM Select Practice Tests and Skill Practice products have been successfully used by tens of thousands of students to prepare for entrance assessments.
Pretest Plus is an independent publisher of practice tests and courses and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the publishers of CEM Select or any other pretest publisher.
Skills Covered
Verbal Ability
Non-Verbal Ability
Numerical Ability
- Fully up to date for this year’s CEM Select exam
- 6 Modules covering Verbal, Numerical and Non-Verbal Ability
- Replicates examination format, style and content
- Solutions with explanations provided for every question
- Comparative ranking statistics provided upon completion
- Option to take with 25% extra time
- Build confidence and improve performance
- Available online immediately after purchase
- Ideal preparation for the online CEM Select exam